Bryan Cassidy wrote:

I am currently using FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE and I did a cvsup
/usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile to a RELENG_4_8. I haven't
done a build/install world and finished the update of the system. What
I'm wondering is sence I did a cvsup to the latest security patches etc
for 4.8 should I go on and build/install world or can I just do another
cvsup but to RELENG_4_9 and do a build/install world to get update 4.8
to 4.9?

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I *think* you'd be OK to go on to 4.9 --- it's not so far removed from 4.8 as it is from, say, 4.4 or 4.6.2

Be SURE and read things like /usr/src/UPDATING,
(and of course the handbook's recommendations)
though; I'm aware, at the very least, that some
stuff has been committed in one branch or the
other that will break you if you don't follow
'standard procedures' in your buildworld/buildkernel
installkernel/installworld .....

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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