You mean FreeBSD make all device support moduler ?! and you said that
-- not linked static but under the /boot/kernel everything is module ...
And I don't understand why freebsd makes a module all of them ?!?!?! I
have to choose which one will be module which one won't be ... is it
must ?! 

Secound I think I can't explain correct ... 
When I build kernel Where modules must be stored under /boot/modules or
/boot/kernel ?! 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Rehsack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: Kernel Module Support ?!!? and Kernel Limits ..

Vahric MUHTARYAN wrote:
> Hi Everyboy , 
>       I'm using FreeBSD 5.1 , I red documents and it said that -
> FreeBSD Support moduler environment . 
>       I want to know How can I make a moduler somethings like RAID
> Device or something else because GENERIC is only text file and I can
> delete or put "#"  for kernel does not support that driver buil-in .
> Linux I can choose which one is will be built-in which one is moduler
> .... 

When you build a kernel, usually all available modules are build, too.
If you comment out sth., it's not linked static into the kernel, but
the module will be available.

See kldload(8) for details.

>       Then I checked /boot/modules nothing there ... then I checked
> /boot/defaults/loader.conf I saw modules can be stored in /boot/kernel
> directory all of them are have ko ext. it will be funny but FreeBSD
> moduler all things ?!!!?! 

I don't understand your question. Can you please ask it in other words?

>       And Where can I find Kernel limits I know I can extend it with
> sysctl but limits ... ?! 

See sysctl.conf(5) and loader.conf(5) as well as sysctl(8).

> Vahric 

Best regards,

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