On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 11:53:52AM +0200, Jani Reinikainen wrote:
> Created a new partition 'h':
> - size = 12715857 ('c' partition) - 265 = 12715592
> - offset 16

Why isn't that:

- size = 12715857 ('c' partition) - 16 = 12715841
- offset 16?

  I'm no Vinum guru but afaik the 265 at the beginning of the disk is
for the vinum config.  If you have swap at the beginning then you take
into account the 265 in the vinum config itself (taken from your config):

volume swap
   plex org concat
     sd len 1048295s driveoffset 265s drive YouCrazy

  That might not solve your problem, but that's how I have my vinum

  I am curious though -- vinum for just one disk?


I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
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