On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 09:37:06PM +0800, Khairil Yusof wrote:
> I've read the man pages, and tested it out, and just want to confirm
> that what I"m doing is right and that I didn't miss anything.
> Disable one_pass so that packets after matching pipe rule will continue
> on to other rules. Without this, packets matching pipes are not not
> applied again against firewall rules.
> net.inet.ip.fw.one_pass: 0
> I then put the pipe rules before any firewall rules so that anything
> going in and out (in this case) go through the pipes first. They are
> then matched by normal firewall rules.
> 00100  83 11350 pipe 1 ip from any to any out
> 00200  93 11266 pipe 2 ip from any to any in
> 00300   0     0 check-state
> 00400   0     0 deny tcp from any to any established
> 01400 103 14855 allow tcp from any to me dst-port 22 in setup keep-state
> ... more firewall rules which are being matched
> From what I can see the pipe rules are being matched. I tested bandwidth
> controls, and they work. And I also could not access ports which I did
> have a dynamic rule for (as in 01400).

I find your 400 rule very strage. Rule 400 souldn't apply because they
are passed by 300 (this one doens't have a counter :( ).

For rule 1400 the dst-port is wronly placed. Port are (or can be) given
afther the ip without any marker. I would replace 1400 with:
allow tcp from any to me 22 in
allow tcp from me 22 to any out
No need to have dynamic rules here so place it before 300


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