Hi, i'm jonathan and i'm running a freebsd 4.8 box.

i wish to increase the value of  NGROUPS_MAX into /usr/src/sys/sys/syslimits.h.

I'd like to know how increasing that number to permit users from /etc/passwd to be 
member of more than 16 groups will affect system performances. 

What will be an acceptable value for NGROUPS_MAX?
I know this number is set to 32 in suse linux....
I know that ACL is a better way but i wont use it until it's stable under 5.x freebsd 
and that 5.x is recomended for production issues.

About how doing that change...
Is it just about changing the value and reboot the machine or there is some 
recompilation matter linked to that change?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

I'm new to this list... everybody keep on that good work ;)

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