I have a Solaris 2.6 box that has been sending data to a Solaris 8 box via rsh and rcp.

I finally changed the Solaris 8 box to a FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE machine.

Unfortunately, I am noticing alot of problems with my rsh and rcp calls. Again, the rsh/rcp calls are being initiated on my Solaris 2.6 and are hitting a FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE box.

Here is what happens:

My first rsh works, but if I try another rsh within a few seconds it takes a really long time (30 - 60 sec) to return - but it does return successful. If I issue my rsh calls every 2 minutes, it returns quick everytime. But if I do rsh calls to close together (5 sec delays) they hang for a long time.

The rcp behaves the same way - but with an added oddity... I can't seem to 'rcp -r' directories. For example, say I have /tmp/test and in there I have three files (a, b, and c.). When I try to rcp -r that directory, I get the following:

# rcp -r /tmp/test host:/tmp
rcp: /tmp/test/a/b: Not a directory
rcp: /tmp/test/a/b/c: Not a directory

Very weird!

Anyone have any ideas? If I can't get this resolved I am going to have to go back to the old SUN to SUN setup and scrap the FreeBSD machine.


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