On Thursday 01 January 2004 11:46 pm, Malcolm Kay wrote:
> > > $ df -h
> > > Filesystem    Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> > > /dev/ad0s3a  1008M    92M   835M    10%    /
> > > /dev/ad0s2   1020M    19M  1001M     2%    /dos
> > > /dev/ad0s3g   4.8G    69M   4.3G     2%    /home
> > > /dev/ad0s3e   3.9G   3.9G -260.5M   107%    /usr
> > > /dev/ad0s3f  1008M    27M   900M     3%    /var
> > > /dev/ad0s1     24G    22G   2.9G    88%    /nt
> > > procfs        4.0K   4.0K     0B   100%    /proc
> > > /dev/da0s1     61M    61M   632K    99%    /umass

> One of the suggested setups is to provide home with its own partition.
> And even though you don't use it it is not so uncommon.

As you can see above, /home is on it's very own partition.

> > The two partitions appear to be adjacent.  If they are, Partition Magic
> > (or similar) could merge those two partitions non-destructively, and
> > your problem would be solved.
> This sounds like a disaster --- partition magic works with MS
> partitions or in FBSD terms slices -- to the best I my knowledge it does
> not know about BSD style partitions.

Partition Magic can recognize a type 165 (freebsd) partition, but it does not 
support merging/resizing of these.  It does support the linux partition 
scheme, however.

Eric F Crist
AdTech Integrated Systems, Inc
(612) 998-3588
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