On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:50, Gautam Gopalakrishnan wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 12:30:42PM +1030, Malcolm Kay wrote:
> > On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 22:19, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
> > > Hello. I've worked an hour to figure out a serial of sed command to
> > > process some text (without any luck, you kown I'm kinda newbie). I
> > > really appreciate your help.
> > >
> > > The original text file is in this form -- for each line:
> > > one Chinese word then one or two English word seperated by space.
> > >
> > > I tried to do things like s/\(.*\)\([a-z]*\)/\2 \1/ but the first
> > > \(.*\) is too greedy and included the rest [a-z].
> >
> > Well the greedy part is easily fixed with:
> >   s/\([^a-z]*\)\([a-z]*\)/\2 \1/
> >
> > But this will not work for those lines with 2 english words. The
> > following should: % sed -n -e 's/\([^a-z]*\)\([a-z]*\) .*/\2 \1/p' -e
> > 's/\([^a-z]*\)[a-z]* \([a-z]*\)/\2 \1/p' original > target
> I think awk is easier:
> awk '{print $2 " " $3 " " $1}' original | tr -s > target

I'm not really very familiar with awk, but I must say this
is a much simpler and rather magical solution.

How does awk know which part of the original line goes into $1, $2 and $3.
(You will notice there is no space between the chinese and english words).

I am also mystified how it generates two lines

  a ????
  av ????

from the input
  ????a av

Malcolm Kay
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