The Monitor section of XF86Config includes
 Identifier   "Monitor0"
 VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
 Model Name   "Monitor Model"
 HorizSync    31.0 -70.0
 VertRefresh  55.0 - 120.0

My Monitor is a NEC FE700+ so these settings seem to be correct. I see
taht the refresh rates are not in quotes like the other items, is this

I forgot to mention that during install, after running the xconfig setup
and saving the files, it said that the setup appeared to have failed and
gave me a chance to try again. I tried several times but with the same

I am running Version 4.8 but thought that I may try version 5.1 to see if
I get a better result.


Eric F Crist said:
> On Saturday 10 January 2004 10:17 pm, Lance Earl wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> We are 1 for 2. I got it so that it will load gnome with startx.
> Glad to hear it!
>> The flicker problems on the screen persist and now appear to be the case
>> 100% of the time. Restarting the machine no longer seems to correct the
>> problem. Do you have any additional suggestions?
> Yes.  Check the manual for your monitor's refresh rate and make sure you
> setup
> XFree86 for the correct numbers.  This is usually 60 Hz or 72Hz, depending
> on
> the resolution you set.
>> I am considering FreeBSD as the OS for our internet server because
>> RedHat
>> is no longer a viable solution. I just do not like the direction of the
>> company. We run Apache, Sendmail, PHP, MySQL, Squirrel Mail and Image
>> Magick. I have also considered Debian as a possible candidate. Do you
>> have
>> any suggestions regarding these two options?
> Yes.  I use FreeBSD on my servers.  I'm currently in the process of a
> physical
> move/ISP change, so they're hosted on another set of servers (linux, of
> unknow vendor), so they're not under my control ATM.  I've been running
> FreeBSD as a web server since 1998.  It has been 100% secure for me, even
> when I was running a 'questionable' server with a domain name of
>  Also, the support here for FreeBSD is great!
> --
> Eric F Crist
> AdTech Integrated Systems, Inc
> (612) 998-3588

Lance Earl
DallyPost, Inc.
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