At 2004-01-17T00:03:04Z, Jason Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to ask the current FreeBSD cyrus-imapd users a few questions.
> Was just curious for anyone out there, who is running cyrus on FreeBSD,
> did you install the software through the ports tree?  What DB version are
> you running?

Yes, and db3-3.3.11,1 respectively.

> Are you exepriencing any DB problems?

I've not had any (noticed) problems.

> I've been doing a lot of testing lately with Cyrus and FreeBSD 4.9. I've
> run into a few snags and im trying to gather more information.  With that
> in mind, I was hoping to get some feedback and suggestions regarding
> installing Cyrus on FreeBSD...anything anyone has to offer is greatly
> appreciated.

Installing Cyrus on FreeBSD and getting it to play nicely with SpamAssassin
was such a complete pain in the neck that I documented the heck out of every
single step I took to make it all work.  The results are online at:

Good luck!
Kirk Strauser

"94 outdated ports on the box,
 94 outdated ports.
 Portupgrade one, an hour 'til done,
 82 outdated ports on the box."

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