On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 09:40:03PM +0100, Jorn Argelo wrote:

> I'm currently building JDK14 from the ports tree (/usr/ports/java/jdk14) on 
> FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE. Before that I compiled blackdown-java from the 
> ports-tree so I could compile the native one. However, it's busy for almost 
> four hours now with building it. Now my question was, does anybody know how 
> long is this going to take? 

4 hours isn't unusual.  In fact, 8 or 12 hours wouldn't be unusual
unless you've got a fast CPU, fast disks and plenty of RAM.  It's a
pretty big compilation.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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