On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 14:39, Alex Huth wrote:
> > What model printer is it, and was the ppd file included in the meta
> > port, or did you download it from somewhere else?  It sounds like you
> > have installed a third party PPD file that references this filter.
> I've got the ppd from linuxprinting.org, but that wasn't the problem. The solution 
> was to have a perlscript named cupsomatic. I've got it from a friend, put it in the 
> filter directory and everything work fine. 
> This script should be in the ports, or?

The PPD file you downloaded has the cupsomatic dependency in it, it's
not required by the cups base system.

Yes, you could create a separate port for it, although I think
cupsomatic may have been replaced by foomatic these days, which is
already in the ports (but it too is missing the foomatic-rip and
foomatic-gswrapper filter scripts). 


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