On Fri, 06 Feb 2004 16:58:18 -0500

> Try:
> //servername/sharename /mountdirectory smbfs 
> username=windowsuserename,password=windowspassword 0 0

On my 5.2CURRENT:

1. with one of the following in fstab:
//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/d /vol/fnan/d smbfs  rw,noauto,username=itetcu,password=q  0 0
//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/d /vol/fnan/d smbfs  rw,noauto,password=q  0 0
//fnan/d /vol/fnan/d smbfs  rw,noauto,username=itetcu,password='q'  0 0
//fnan/d /vol/fnan/d smbfs  rw,noauto,username=itetcu,password=qcc  0 0

I get:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /tmp [18:38:45] 0
 # mount /vol/fnan/d
smbfs: -o username=: option not supported

Having in fstab:
//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/d /vol/fnan/d     smbfs   rw,noauto 0 0
and in /usr/local/etc/nsmb.conf :
results in:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /tmp [18:42:22] 0
 # mount /vol/fnan/d

However, if I have the password in /root/.nsmbrc, the mount /vol/fnan/d
doesn't promt for password. So it seems that entries in
/usr/local/etc/nsmb.conf aren't used as defaults, but only overrides the
entries in ~/.nsmbrc.

> HTH,
> Christopher Hollow
> Darryl Hoar wrote:
> >Greetings,
> >If you put a line like:
> >
> >//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/misc       /test      smbfs     ro,noauto     0     0
> >
> >in /etc/fstab, is there a way to specify the pasword so that when you
> >mount the filesystem, it doesn't prompt for the password ?
> >
> >I see that mount_smbfs uses .nsmbrc, but that has no effect when
> >you use fstab.
> >
> >any help greatly appreciated.
> >
> >-Darryl

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