On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 04:26:30PM +0200, Nelis Lamprecht wrote:
> Hi,
> Out of curiosity how do you disable local NFS asynchronous I/O server/s
> in 5.2 ?
> I thought a simple..
> nfs_server_enable="NO"
> nfs_client_enable="NO"
> in rc.conf would disable it completely but after rebooting I still see:
> guardian# ps -aux | grep nfs
> root     97  0.0  0.0     0   12  ??  IL    3:39PM   0:00.00  (nfsiod 0)
> root     98  0.0  0.0     0   12  ??  IL    3:39PM   0:00.00  (nfsiod 1)
> root     99  0.0  0.0     0   12  ??  IL    3:39PM   0:00.00  (nfsiod 2)
> root    100  0.0  0.0     0   12  ??  IL    3:39PM   0:00.00  (nfsiod 3)
> thanks.
> -- 
> Nelis Lamprecht
> PGP: http://www.8ball.co.za/pgpkey/nelis.asc
> "Unix IS user friendly.. It's just selective about who its friends are."

Not entirely sure, but try and unload the kernel modules for nfs, a these may be 
loaded, or
if its built into your kernel (most likley if you're still using a GENERIC kernel) you 
could take out the options for NFS in your kernel config and rebuilding. 


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