Anyone have any experience installing FreeBSD on a Dell PowerEdge server?
2500 or any other? I'm looking at having to do so and, having not done it
before, I'm just wondering if there are any gotchas I should be aware of
or if I have to use their OpenManage CDs or something.

Take care,

I have two Dell PowerEdge servers (that I bought off eBay - a 2200 and 2400) that have FreeBSD currently running on them (one of them has been up for almost 2 years - minus the one time I had to turn it off to move). I have never had any problems with the install procedure. I have noticed that trying to install 5.2.1 can be quirky on a number of machines (I haven't tried it on the Dells because they are "production" servers), but not with the 4.5-4.9 series of releases. (Plus, the 5.2.1 problems are related to NIC's and some other equip that may be considered non-standard.)

My 1/2 cent.
Steve Fettig
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