On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 01:43:38PM -0500, Chris Strzelczyk wrote:
> I was wondering if people were having trouble with the latest 
> spamass-milter port?  I heard that the milter causes sendmail to crash 
> on systems and I wanted to confirm with users that are actively using it 
> before I put it on my production systems. 

I do use spamass-milter for 7 months without any problems.

> What is the recommended way of running SpamAssasin on a production 
> system with 100-300 users?  Procmail or spamass-milter.

It depends whether you want to filter outgoing mail as well. In that
case I'd choose the milter. Keep in mind: sending emails could last some
seconds longer than usual (here 25 seconds).

Robert Barten
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