* Drew Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-12 08:27]:
> OK, now what am I doing wrong?  Can anyone explain this?
> blacklamb# portupgrade -pNn net/wol
> --->  Session started at: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 15:43:14 -0800
> Install 'net/wol'? [no]
> ** No package has been installed or upgraded.
> --->  Session ended at: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 15:43:15 -0800 (consumed 00:00:00)
> OK, good.  It found the port and now I'd like to install it so I remove 
> the 'n' and run again:
> blacklamb# portupgrade -pN net/wol
> blacklamb#

I've seen this when the port in question didn't actually need
upgrading.  You can force the upgrade with the -f option to 


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                -- Kras, "Friday's Child", stardate 3497.2
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