Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
The ultimate goal is to create a Samba PDC, but seems far away ay the moment...

I have this kind of setup working perfectly. Tell me what you need.

I need to figure out the interaction between OpenLDAP and the PAM system. LDAP is working fine, Samba is fine.

(/etc/ldap.conf and /usr/local/etc/ldap.conf are symlinked to above)

BASE    dc=<mydomain>,dc=<dom>
nss_base_passwd dc=<mydomain>,dc=<dom>?sub
nss_base_shadow dc=<mydomain>,dc=<dom>?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=<mydomain>,dc=<dom>?one
ssl             no
pam_password    md5

I guess what I lack is understanding of how the PAM system works, what
to add in pam.d and finally what (password) scripts would be useful when
using Samba 3 in FreeBSD.

If you have a similar setup working I am very interested in how it was

Any input highly appriciated!

Per olof

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