On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 01:10:38PM -0800, Paul D. Schmidt wrote:
> Where can I find more information about the following? (Taken
> from /usr/ports/CHANGES)
> 20040204:
>    ...
>    The ports system now supports MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1, and 5.0.
>    Also, the ability to scale to newer versions was also but in
>    place.
>    ...
> I don't see anything in the mysql40-server Makefile that has anything
> to do with upgrades...where else should I look?  I'm trying to convert
> from a 3.23 system.

That's not too difficult to do:

    0) Get a list of all the applications that linl against the
       mysql323-client port:

        % pkg_info -R mysql-client\*

    i) Backup your database. See mysqldump(1).  You shouldn't need
       this backup copy unless things go horribly wrong.

   ii) Delete the databases/mysql323-{client,server} ports using
       'pkg_delete -f'.  This shouldn't affect anything under /var/db
       (or wherever you've set DB_DIR to).

  iii) Install mysql40-server and mysql40-client ports making sure you
       add 'OVERWRITE_DB=no' to the make arguments.  You should be
       able to start up mysql-4.0.x, log into your databases from the
       command line and check that things are still OK.  mysql40 will
       happily read database files created by mysql323: I think it
       even autodetects that situation and updates the files for you.
       You should check all of the GRANT tables as mysql40 introduced
       some new grantable permissions, and you may need to fiddle
       about with user settings.

   iv) Optionally edit /etc/make.conf and add WANT_MYSQL_VER=40 -- you
       don't have to do this, as the ports system will work out which
       version of mysql you have installed automatically, but it does
       just make sure.

    v) Reinstall all of the ports you listed in (0) that linked
       against the mysql323-client port (except, obviously,
       mysql-server-3.23.x), so that they now link against
       mysql40-client.  If you're using portupgrade(1) you may have to
       run through 'pkgdb -Fvu' to placate its worries about missing
       dependencies before it will let you run 'portupgrade -f'.

And that's all there is to it, really.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
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