On Wednesday 24 March 2004 03:50 pm, __Clint__ <__Clint__ 
> Why have you sold my email address to spammers?

Why are you libeling us?  You should be careful what accusations you 

> The "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" email was a one-time disposable
> email address that I only ever gave to FreeBSD.org.

Well, you started out with the right strategy, but you abandoned it too 
soon.  You've now blown what looks like your real email address.  Never 
reveal your true email address, for it can be used against you.

> Now I am receiving spam email targeted at that address.
> An address I only gave YOU.
> Any suggestions or response?

This is a public mailing list, and it is archived in many public places 
on the Internet, and is also (unfortunately) forwarded to Usenet by 
well-meaning souls.  Spammers harvest email addresses from public 
archives, and almost any address that appears on Usenet will be 
spammed. There's nothing we can do about that.

Never post your real email address on a public mailing list.  When you 
complain to a suspected spammer, don't use your real email address in 
the complaint. If you want to stop the spam, turn off the address you 
used (good thing it was a throwaway address, right?), although that 
will make it hard to receive replies to the questions you post here.

To clarify: this is a mailing list of FreeBSD users helping each other.  
It is not FreeBSD, Inc. answering your questions.

- Bob

> -Clint Lipinski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

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