I know about the security problems...my server has no sensitive data, and I would 
notice a tone of traffic coming from the machine...so I am not really worried about 
being hacked, worst case I have to reinstall the machine, nothing much on it and 
FreeBSD is pretty easy to work with.
That said, I was trying to install fp extensions to take the lazy approach to making a 
lanparty registration page.  Simple FP form that e-mails some info.  I figured since I 
STILL have not bothered to learn javascripting, and know only a little java (I'm a 
C/C++ compiled binary executable non compatible non-cross platform etc kind of guy), 
that this would be the EASY way out!
Here's what I did, I installed the /usr/ports/www/frontpage port
then it said to be useful I would need the /usr/ports/www/mod_frontpage port
Fine, I installed it.  That left some rather vauge instructions on setting some stuff 
in the httpd.conf....well I followed some other peoples examples, at first I set the 
Resource/Access configs to /usr/local/etc/apache/srm.conf and access.conf but then 
found most people had it on /dev/null, so it is currently sitting on /dev/null
Next thing I saw was to run the fp_install script in /usr/local/frontpage/version50 So 
I tried....here was the result:
www# /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/fp_install.sh

Step 1.  Setting Up Installation Environment

Setting umask 002
Logged in as root.


 Revision: 1.30
 Date: 2000/04/06

This script will step the user through upgrading existing and installing
new servers and webs.  As with any software installation, a backup should be
done before continuing.  It is recommended that the FrontPage installation
directory, server configuration file directory, and all web content be
backed up before continuing with this installation.

Are you satisfied with your backup of the system (y/n) [N]?  Y

Directory /usr/local exists.
Root has necessary access to /usr/local.
Directory /usr/local/frontpage chmoded to 755.

Step 3.  Upgrading/Installing the extensions

Checking for previous versions of FrontPage Server Extensions to upgrade...
You have no previous versions of FrontPage Server Extensions installed.
There are no settings to migrate!
Checking for existing web servers to upgrade...
No existing web servers found to upgrade.

Preparing to chown webs...

All requested upgrades to the new FrontPage Server Extensions have taken place.
The next step is to chown the web in order to guarantee that the extensions
will work properly.  At this point you have two options:

   1. This script will prompt you interactively for an owner and group of
      each web and then perform the chown.  If you do not have a lot of
      webs you might want to choose this option.

   2. This script will generate a script, which you can edit to fill in the
      owner and group for each web, to run at a later date.  If you have a
      large number of webs you might want to choose this option.

Would you like interactive prompting for each webs owner/group (y/n) [Y]?  Y
grep: /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/upgrade_results.txt: No such file or directory
grep: /usr/local/frontpage/*.cnf: No such file or directory
Skipping non patched-apache web /usr/local/frontpage/*.cnf

    1.  LATIN1 (ISO 8859-1)
    2.  LATIN2 (ISO 8859-2)
    3.  EUCJP  (Japanese EUC)
    4.  EUCKR  (Korean EUC)
Which local character encoding does your system support: [1]  1

    1.  English
    2.  French
    3.  German
    4.  Italian
    5.  Japanese
    6.  Spanish
What should the default language be: [1] 1

Setting /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/frontpage.cnf to:


Copying /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/frontpage.cnf to 

Creating and modifying new /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/frontpage.cnf...

  Note: Local version of Apache must use the FrontPage Apache patch.
  See http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/ for more details.

Note: If you have not installed the root web then you need to do it now.

Do you want to install a root web (y/n) [Y]?  Y

Installing the root web...

Server config filename:  [/usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf] 
FrontPage Administrator's user name:  [fpadmin]
ERROR:  does not exist!

Exiting due to an error!  Please fix the error and try again.

Error?  What error, what does not exist?  I even created an fpadmin user for it.  What 
am I doing wrong here?
Server is:
FreeBSD 5.0
Apache 1.3.29 with mod_ssl
not sure what other info would be relevant.  I have been working on this thing since 
about 7:30pm and its now 4:30am....maybe I just cant think anymore...
Any help is appreciated.

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