On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 12:31:25PM -0500, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> Question...Is anyone else running amavisd-new with spamassassin from 
> ports?

Just started about a week ago, with dual-Sendmail setup + SA and 
> If so, where/how should I be updating or altering the spamassassin 
> rules?
> I'd like to try updating some of the rules from the spamassassin site, 
> but didn't know where the ports version was putting the rulesets...
> a) what directory should I put them into?
> b) is there a config file I'd have to alter to get spamassassin to use 
> them?
> c) can I just plonk new SA files into that directory and they would be 
> used automatically?
> d) should I just wait until the ports version of SA is updated to get 
> new rules, or does ports have the newer rules integrated into it?
> e) do I need to alter anything in amavisd-new to get the new rules to 
> work?
> Thanks!
> -Bart

Most everything of the rules/config nature is plonked into
/usr/local/etc/spamassassin/.  I'm not so sure about adding
to those files, but if you're brave, you might go ahead.

The comments in the files might be helpful.

And, there's this, from /usr/local/share/spamassassin/user_prefs.template:

        # SpamAssassin user preferences file.  See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf'  
        # for details of what can be tweaked.

Kevin Kinsey

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