On Sun, Apr 04, 2004 at 10:17:36PM +0200, Simon Barner wrote:
> >     device          pcn             # AMD Am79C79x PCI 10/100 NICs
> > 
> >     In the new DNS server I'm building, is the following ifconfig
> >     line correct for the first AMD NIC:
> > 
> >     ifconfig_pcn0="inet  netmask"
> Yes, that looks good (if the ip address and the netmask are correct ;-)
> Be sure to either recompile your kernel with the following options
> device miibus
> device pcn
> or to load the module version of the driver: if_pcn.ko
> For more options of that NIC driver, you can have a look at its man
> page: pcn(4).

        Thanks very much.  I just found the GENERIC kernel file;
        yup, both devices are in by default.  (It makes sense 
        to me at least to have just about every dev in by default.
        If somebody wanted less functionality, trimming back 
        could be a "fine-tune" option.


   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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