Bernd Walter wrote:
On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 05:45:00PM +0200, Heinrich Rebehn wrote:

Bernd Walter wrote:

Which kind of IO errors?
USB / SCSI / DA / Application?

This i from "ktrace tunefs -p /dev/da0s1a"

 4640 tunefs   RET   read 0
 4640 tunefs   CALL  stat(0xbfbfea4a,0xbfbfe5a0)
 4640 tunefs   NAMI  "/dev/da0s1a"
 4640 tunefs   RET   stat 0
 4640 tunefs   CALL  open(0xbfbfea4a,0,0)
 4640 tunefs   NAMI  "/dev/da0s1a"
 4640 tunefs   RET   open -1 errno 5 Input/output error
 4640 tunefs   CALL  write(0x2,0xbfbfdf30,0x8)
 4640 tunefs   GIO   fd 2 wrote 8 bytes
      "tunefs: "
 4640 tunefs   RET   write 8
 4640 tunefs   CALL  write(0x2,0xbfbfdf50,0x2a)
 4640 tunefs   GIO   fd 2 wrote 42 bytes
      "/dev/da0s1a: could not open special device"
 4640 tunefs   RET   write 42/0x2a

Yes - but that's symptoms - there must be a USB and/or SCSI error too.

That's what i found in the logfile:

(I had just mounted the device on /export/backup). Mount reported "unexpected softupdates inconsistency" and i issued "tunefs -p /dev/da0s1a" to check if i had really enabled softupdates)

Apr 5 13:43:56 antsrv1 kernel: WARNING: /export/backup was not properly dismounted

Apr 5 13:45:21 antsrv1 kernel: ehci_idone: need toggle update

Apr 5 13:45:25 antsrv1 kernel: ehci_idone: need toggle update

Apr 5 13:46:02 antsrv1 fsck: /dev/twed1s1e: Reclaimed: 0 directories, 0 files, 8 fragments

Apr 5 13:46:02 antsrv1 fsck: /dev/twed1s1e: 1103265 files, 105407382 used, 21632531 free (256971 frags, 2671945 blocks, 0.2% fragmentation)

Apr 5 14:05:00 antsrv1 cron[4146]: login_getclass: unknown class 'des_users'

Apr 5 14:37:10 antsrv1 kernel: ehci_idone: need toggle update

Apr 5 14:37:14 antsrv1 kernel: ehci_idone: need toggle update

Apr 5 14:37:20 antsrv1 kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Synchronize cache failed, status == 0x4, scsi status == 0x0

Apr 5 14:37:29 antsrv1 kernel: Opened disk da0 -> 5

Apr 5 14:37:59 antsrv1 last message repeated 3 times

Apr 5 14:38:19 antsrv1 last message repeated 2 times

-- Heinrich
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