On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 10:00:41AM +0400, ilich wrote:
> Hello All!
> 1. My mouse has a fancy wheel.Can I use it in the X Window system?

Yes, the answer to this is partly related the question 2. This is also
in the FAQ:


> 2. Can I use copy\cut\paste text with mouse in the console?

Yes, you can use the mouse daemon (moused).  Just edit your /etc/rc.conf
file and add the following lines:

moused_port="/dev/psm0"  # assuming you have a ps/2 mouse
moused_flags="-z 4"

Then configure X to use moused (sysmouse) by editing the input section
with the following:

Option      "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"
Option      "Buttons" "5"

> 4. Can I copy mouse options for X from Linux?

The options should be the same.

> 3. How do I copy\cut\paste text in Vim?

In X you just highlight and then middle-click to paste.

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