You have only those two files in root? What about the kernal files I
see on my system? 
Anyway, I have taken this opportunity to do a complete upgrade - new
server, updated OS, Aps, everything. Moving from an AMD Athlon 600 to a
AMD 2600+ with a 400mHz FSB MB, and a 120gig HD, giving LOTS of room to
root and swap partitions. This time I will set the symlinks on /var and
/tmp to /usr/var and /usr/tmp first thing after the OS installs.
This should make for a very nice web server.

--- Vince Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 12 May 2004, carvin5string wrote:
> > I may have screwed up big time - I tried moving /var to /usr/var
> and
> > accidentally was in root when I ran the command
> > tar cf - . | ( cd /usr/var; tar xf - )
> if it was simply that then nothing was deleted.
> tar cf -  just tars up the files and sends it to stdout. nothing is
> deleted.
> the only files i have in / are COPYWRITE and entropy. dont need any
> others
> you may need to delete the files you created in /usr/var but you
> shouldnt
> need to copy them back.
> > now when I look at root it has some directories but no files at
> all. I
> > look at /usr/var and see directories and no files. When I try to
> > reverse the process with this command, from /usr/var,
> > tar cr - . | ( cd /; tar xf - )
> > I get lots of errors about file system full.
> > This is on my company web server. What can I do to fix this?
> > --
> > Chip
> >
> >
> >
> >
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