On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 11:00:52PM -0400, Bob Perry wrote:
> Just setup mutt and I've begun to notice mail return to me 
> indicating that it did not pass the server content filter, 
> etc.  The last one stated that a virus was found, file name 
> disco.zip, virus name W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] and apprarently 
> was found by McAfee Scanning Engine (4359/4.3.20).  What 
> makes it worse is that the recipient is not recognizable.
> I understand that my system can be used as a mail relay and 
> would like to know how to combat this.  Can anyone point me 
> in the right direction so that I can quickly resolve this 
> issue?

Welcome to the 21st century internet. Forged emails from viruses are
routine, and misconfigured email systems that complain to the forged
sender address are common.  Either complain to the administrators of
the system that send you the bogus reply or just learn to ignore them.


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