On Thu, 13 May 2004 19:42:23 +0800 (CST)
Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> granted us these pearls of wisdom:

> Hi Nelis,
> > > Has any folk run 'Kxicq' on FreeBSD before.  Can I
> > > talk to my friend if he runs MSN on Windows?  If
> > NO
> > > kindly advise what will be the solution.
> > 
> > you may want to try Gaim
> > http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ for MSN support
> > and others.
> > 
> > /usr/ports/net/gaim
> Hi Nelis,
> FreeBSD 5.2
> ===========
> Tks for your advice.
> # cd /usr/ports/
> # make search name=gaim
> Port:   gaim-0.73
> Path:   /usr/ports/net/gaim
> ......
> But the lastest version is
> gaim-0.77.tar.gz
> which has been downloaded to
> /usr/home/download/
> I expect to install "gaim-0.77.tar.gz"
> Can I perform as follow;
> # cd /usr/home/download/
> # pkg_add gaim-0.77.tar.gz
> Or
> installing the package starting from its tarball
> # cd /usr/home/download/
> # tar zxvf gaim-0.77.tar.gz
> # cd /usr/home/download/gaim-0.77
> # ./configure
> # make
> # make install
> Kindly advise.  TIA
> B.R.
> Stephen

two quick options spring to mind, either (A) cvsup your ports to the
latest or (B) install what is there then using portupgrade upgrade to
the latest. 


Luke Kearney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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