On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 05:36:53PM +0100, Daniel Bye wrote:
> Hi all,
> Don't know if what I want to do is possible - but there's no harm in asking,
> eh?
> I have a central build server running FreeBSD-5.2.1 amd64, which is happily
> building world/kernel for amd64 and i386.  In order to keep everything all
> on the same machine, I would like to be able to build packages from ports
> for both platforms.  Is this doable?
> I have checked the mailing list archives, and nothing that seems relevant
> came back.  Can't seem to figure it out from the docs, man pages, handbook
> etc.  Any advice welcome, even if it's no more than "get another build
> box"!
> Thanks for your time,

You can't generally cross-build packages for different architectures.


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