On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 05:03:39PM +0930, Wayne Sierke wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-05-04 at 02:25, Gary Kline wrote:
> >     To the list,
> > 
> >     I think I have tried all that you guys have mentioned.
> >     The only one that just-worked out of the box was 
> >     webalizer. (it's been awhile... )  awstats was a bear;
> >     and analog was a bear++.  
> > 
> >     Is there any tutorial guidance--anywhere--for awstat
> >     or analog??  
> > 
> You probably need to be more specific about what you are seeking help
> with, awstats didn't present any problems that I recall when I installed
> it from ports. The only issue I do have is trying to keep our local
> browsing excluded from the reports because of our dynamic IP address.

        I'm finished the config section; but now am pointing lynx
        at the html docs.  This is probably a case where I need to
        be patient and RTFM.  --Or really, print out the docs and
        go in a quiet corner since reading online gives me problems.

        One thing you can help me with is: what cmd to I type to
        get awstats going?  (I've configured to have the output 
        be placed in /var/log rather than in "."  but now what?)


   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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