On Monday 17 May 2004 19:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Adrian Pircalabu wrote:

> You'll notice that the oringal poster says "digital video".  Everyone is
> talking about flash cards, the Gimp, and DIGITAL STILL cameras etc.
> Easy enough mistake to make.
> I'm sorry I have no answers for you Ben.  I was following this thread
> hoping there might be some.  I'm just starting to use a digital video
> camera and wouldn't mind being able to edit video under FreeBSD.

Thanks - although it looks like I won't be getting a video camera after all 
now (best - laid plans, eh? But see my exciting new thread begging for USB 
help for a digital stills camera...) I did find out some stuff, and it looks 
like there's a version of GIMP for video under developement.. There's a 
non-functioning port graphics/filmgimp and a quick google will reveal more...

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