On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 11:18:49AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am running bind 9.x on my primary and secondary servers.  Since both are
> on the same C class subnet I have used a free DNS hosting to be a
> secondary for my site..  I am trying to added NS and A name records to the
> 2 name servers but I recieve errors when I restart/reload bind.  Here is
> my mydomain.com zone file.
> ;
> ; The full zone file
> ;
> $TTL 1H
> @       IN      SOA     ns1.mydomain.com. postmaster.mydomain.com. (
>                         2004052003      ; serial, todays date + todays
> serial #
>                         1H              ; refresh, seconds
>                         2H              ; retry, seconds
>                         4W              ; expire, seconds
>                         1H )            ; minimum, seconds
> ;
>                         NS      ns1.mydomain.com.
>                         NS      ns2.mydomain.com.
>                         NS      ns0.xname.org.
>                         NS      ns1.xname.org.
>                         MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.
> localhost               A
> @                       A
>                         MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.
> ns1                     A
>                         MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.
> www                     CNAME   ns1.mydomain.com.
> ns2                     A
>                         MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.
> mail                    A
>                         MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.
> ns0.xname.org.         A
> ns1.xname.org.         A
> here is the error is /var/log/messages:
> May 20 18:07:14 ns1 named[718]: dns_master_load: mydomain.com:33: ignoring
> out-of-zone data (ns0.xname.org)
> May 20 18:07:14 ns1 named[718]: dns_master_load: mydomain.com:34: ignoring
> out-of-zone data (ns1.xname.org)
> if I comment out the ns0.xname.org and ns1.xname.org then I don't get the
> error.  BUT then if you query my NS there is no A record for the xname NS.
>  So I was told that they were "Not Glued" but if you query ns0.xname.org
> there are A records for ns0.xname.org and ns1.xname.org.  How can I create
> A records for the 2 DNS servers that are my secondaries from another
> domain?  If I just leave it, then any DNS test I run shows that my DNS
> servers do not contain the same zone information.  Because the NS0
> secondary has A records for NS0 but NS1 does not..  :-(

ns0.xname.org and ns1.xname.org shouldn't have entries in the zone
file for mydomain.com, because (clearly) they belong to a completely
different domain.  Because it's a different domain then it's "not your
problem"(TM).  Presumably there is a nameserver for xname.org
somewhere containing the correct data for that zone, and your name
server will very quickly retrieve and cache those RRs once you start
it up -- it has to, in order to send NOTIFY messages to all of the
servers for the domain.

If the xname.org zone doesn't have good A records for those domains,
then you need to ask yourself if those xname.org people are really
competent to provide a 2ary DNS service for you.

The 'Glue' thing is different -- that's to do with the delegation of
the 'mydomain.com' zone to your servers by the servers for the .com
domain.  When you registered the domain, you had to give a list of
authoritative nameservers for the domain: those are entered into the
.com zone file, along with what are called 'glue' records -- the
server for .com has to contain a record of the IP numbers all
authoritative DNS servers whose name ends in .com -- so called 'Glue'
records.  Note that the list of server IP numbers registered with the
gTLD server doesn't have to match up precisely with your list of
servers -- you can have extras listed in your zone, or even not
register the primary, only the two or three secondaries.  The
advantage of which is that it's only the registered servers that get
asked for RR data by third party resolvers.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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