On Mon, 24 May 2004, Joachim Dagerot wrote:

> The man page for dump states this:
> [....]
>  -B records
> The number of kilobytes per output volume, except that if it is not an
> integer multiple of the output block size, the command uses the next
> smaller such multiple.  This option overrides the calculation of tape
> size based on length and density.
> [....]
> So I thougth this line should create a bunch of 35mb files. But it did
> not. Any thouts on this?
> >dump -0 -L -a -B 35000 -f /HEMMET2/External_HD/freebsd_usr.dump
> /dev/ad0s1f

A little farther down, the -f option says:

  "Multiple file names may be given as a single argument separated by
   commas.  Each file will be used for one dump volume in the order
   listed; if the dump requires more volumes than the number of names
   given, the last file name will used for all remaining volumes after
   prompting for media changes."

I don't know if there's a way to make dump automatically name or number
a bunch of output files, but you can give it a list of filenames if you
have an idea of how many it will need.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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