In the last episode (Jun 04), Kris Kennaway said:
> On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 10:10:19AM -0500, J.D. Bronson wrote:
> > [shadow] 8:11:34am /var/log> swapinfo
> > 
> > Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
> > /dev/da0s1b       1048576        0  1048576     0%
> > 
> > I noticed on some FreeBSD machines I see an entry like this:
> > 
> > Type
> > Interleaved
> > 
> > How come its missing?
> What are you going to interleave your one swap device with?

Actually there used to be a "Type" column in 4.x and earlier, which
would read "Interleaved" or "Sequential".  The current code always
round-robins across all swap devices, so it's meaningless now.

        Dan Nelson
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