On Friday 04 June 2004 10:02 pm, Bill Moran wrote:

> > I'd like to run something under FreeBSD 4.9 which can make my
> > FreeBSD box act as an answering machine:  answer calls, play an
> > outgoing message (presumably a .wav or similar file), and take
> > messages.  It would be nice if it also could understand DTMF codes and
> >
> > I skimmed through ports but didn't find a clear winner for this type
> > of application.  I'm also not sure what specific hardware I'd need (I
> > assume not just any modem will do :-), and I suspect this will be
> > dependent on what software I use.
> While it may be overkill, Asterisk is really the software you're looking
> for: http://www.asterisk.org  It'll do everything you need and more.
> Unfortunately, asterisk's ability to function on FreeBSD is currently
> limited by a lack of drivers for phone cards.  You'd think you could just
> use standard modems, but not really.  There is a lot of work going in to
> making asterisk work better on FreeBSD, so it's not going to be like this
> forever.

I'd like to get involved in this... is there a mailing list, or someone I 
should contact?

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