I'm trying to install FreeBSD 4.10 on a raid set using a RocketRaid 1640.
In order to do so, I need to load the driver as a kernel module at boot
time, but nowhere is it documented (that I can find) how to specify the
device.  I can lsdev and see disk0a: ffs and disk0c: ffs, but if I try
to load disk0a:filename, it's not found.  neither is /disk0a/filename or
/dev/disk0a/filename.  Neither does the odd syntax the earlier stage uses
of 0:fd(0,a)/filename.  My next step is to head for the source I guess...

Alan Batie                   ______    alan.batie.org                Me
alan at batie.org            \    /    www.qrd.org         The Triangle
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The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by
parts. -Edmund Burke, statesman and writer (1729-1797)

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