Hello Vince,
      Thanks for the reply.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vince Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
To: To Stacey Roberts
Date: Sat, 12 Jun, 2004 18:36 BST
Subject: Re: NAT vs Public IP Range info needed, please

> On Sat, 12 Jun 2004, Stacey Roberts wrote:
> > Hello,
> >      I am looking to replace a proprietary DSL router/modem with the Sangoma S518 
> > ADSL PCI Controller, thereby placing a FreeBSD (4.10-Stable) server running ipfw 
> > to handle access, firewall and nat duties.
> >


> >
> > What I would like to know is if it is possible to do to following: -
> > Given that the 5 usable public IP's are:,,, & 
> >
> > 1] G'Way host is assigned its own public IP -
> > 2] LAN hosts' (all) traffic is NAT'd using one of the other public IP's -
> > 3] Remaining 4 public IP addresses are left to be used other purposes (eg: "true" 
> > address redirection to a DMZ-host, that is not a member of the internal LAN subnet)
> >
> All entirely reasonable
> > As you see, the g'way's public ip is not being used for NAT'ing internal hosts' 
> > outgoing traffic, but another ip from within the assignied public ip address 
> > range. My reading of the NAT chapter does not suggest that there is a way to 
> > define the public IP with which traffic is to be translate. Is this functionality 
> > not supported, or have I missed something when reading the various sections?
> You havent missed anything in the hand book but I suggest reading the natd
> manpage, specificly
>  -alias_address | -a address
>                  Use address as the aliasing address.  Either this or the
>                  -interface option must be used (but not both), [more here
> but no need to post it as you have it all already]

Excellent! I'll get onto this and see what needs to be done whilst I wait for the card 
to arrive.

> Also it might be worth looking at at the ipf/ipnat ipfilter stuff  and seeing which
> you find easier to use. (examples in /usr/share/examples/ipfilter for
> ipfilter , see the handbook or manpage for ipfw.)

I've never used ipfilter before - mainly because the HandBook had historically 
exclusively used ipfw in its examples since I started with FreeBSD back at 4.2. I'll 
certainly consider ipfilter as well to see what benefits it offers over ipfw. Thanks 
for that suggestion.



> >
> > I'd appreciate any pointers to where I might find more information that might 
> > assist me, or an explanation of what it is that I am not understanding when 
> > reading the HandBook.
> >
> > Thanks for the time.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Stacey
> >
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