On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 04:14:43AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hello all,
> I have recently been mulling over an article which proposes an abridged
> set of steps for updating the system.
> -----------
> http://www.bsdnews.org/03/bsd_update.php
> alias rebuild   'cd /usr/src && make update && make world && make kernel &&
> mergemaster'
> -----------
> in a nutshell, the author proposes the following steps:
> 1) rebuild
> 2) answer the mergemaster prompts
> 3) reboot
> 4) all done
> the method i employ requires several additional steps -- mergemaster -p,
> a reboot to test kernel (not strictly required, from what i understand),
> and booting to single user mode for install world.
> i am wondering what might be the hazards of trying the abridged approach.
> would be grateful to hear from anyone with an informed position on the
> matter.

It won't always work, and in the worst case will destroy your system.
There's a reason that the documented upgrade process has all those
steps in that order.


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