On Thu, 2004-07-08 at 04:05 +0200, Erik Trulsson wrote:
> What you want is RELENG_5, which doesn't exist yet. It will be created
> when 5.x is considered to be the new -STABLE.  Until then you can
> either follow -CURRENT (which is the "branch" leading up to the next
> 5.x release just as RELENG_4 is the branch leading up to the next 4.x
> release) or RELENG_5_2 (which is 5.2.1-RELEASE + important bugfixes)
> As for what the other tags are: RELENG_5_1 and RELENG_5_0 are as
> RELENG_5_2 except for 5.1-release and 5.0-release respectively - little
> reason to use them.  The RELENG_5_x_BP tags are branches but static
> tags marking the place where the RELENG_5_x branch was created from
> HEAD.  RELENG_5_x_y_RELEASE marks the code for 5.x.y-release, and also
> doesn't change.  There is little reason to use either of those unless
> you for some reason want the exact code that went into a relase.
I was trying to install ports using /stand/sysinstall and it was
complaining that 5.2-CURRENT didn't exist on any of the ftp mirrors i
was trying and I should change to an appropriate release in the
'Options' menu.  What should this be if I have 5.2.1 installed and want
to track -CURRENT?



"I might repeat to myself slowly and soothingly,
a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound -
if I can remember any of the damn things."
-- Dorothy Parker 

10:19pm up 23:55, 3 users, load average: 0.29, 0.27, 0.31 
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