Thanks,  I'm planning on downgrading to 4.9 or 4.8
when my new server arives. Since the problem can be
recreated on other machines I know it's not
hardward/networking issues. Just thought someone might
have a "fix" besides upgrading.. :)  The alpha version
was from the ports...

--- Matthew Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 02:48:19PM -0700, Jon Lyons
> wrote:
> > I've been trying without success to get the mysql
> > client(any version) built from ports collection to
> > connect to a remote mysql server, get "Lost
> connection
> > to MySQL server". I've read the mysql site,
> google,
> > but it's only a problem on my 5.2 machine. Locally
> the
> > client works fine, and other machines are able to
> > access the server. On my Freebsd 4.8 machine built
> > with the same verion/port the connection works
> fine.
> > It's not a mysql permessions problem/network
> problem.
> > Has anybody got the client to function correctly
> on
> > Freebsd 5.2?
> 5.2-RELEASE had some killer bugs.  I'd upgrade to
> 5.2.1-RELEASE if I
> were you -- or even better, track the RELENG_5_2
> branch via cvsup(1).
> > Btw, I've built a generic 4.8 machine and the
> client
> > works, then rebuilt the same machine with 5.2 and
> it
> > doesn't....
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > nagios-new# mysql -h -u monty -p
> > Enter password:
> > Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ;
> or
> > \g.
> > Your MySQL connection id is 216 to server version:
> > 4.1.0-alpha
> > 
> > Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear
> the
> > buffer.
> > 
> > mysql> use nagios;
> > ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL
> server
> > during query
> > 
> Seeing that you can establish the connection in the
> first place means
> that your configuration is probably correct.  I'd
> look elsewhere than
> MySQL to try and work out what the problem is.
> Two possibilities spring to mind:
>     1) Faulty NIC or network cabling: if you're
> getting a lot of
>        dropped packets it could cause the symptoms
> shown.  Try
>        ping(8)'ing the MySQL server from the box in
> question and see
>        if you get any packet drops. Play with the
> '-s' (packet size)
>        option to ping -- sometimes only larger
> packets may trigger
>        problems.  Also look at the output of
> 'netstat -i' -- any
>        significant numbers in the Ierrs or Oerrs
> columns are a bad
>        sign.  Do make sure all of the network cables
> are correctly
>        plugged into their sockets -- the only thing
> worse than
>        discovering that is the problem is
> discovering it after you've
>        spent a week trying all sorts of esoteric
> means to fix it...
>     2) A firewall somewhere between server and
> client is being far too
>        eager to drop an established TCP connection. 
> Server and client
>        should send occasional 'keepalive' packets
> over an idle
>        connection which will help prevent that.  I'm
> not so much in
>        favour of this explanation, as it looks as if
> the disconnect
>        occurs immediately after you log in, and it
> would take a pretty
>        pessimally designed firewall to do something
> like that.
> The other question is "why are you running an alpha
> version of MySQL
> on your server?"  MySQL's 4.1.x series is up to
> 4.1.3-beta nowadays,
> as are the databases/mysql41-* ports.
>       Cheers,
>       Matthew
> -- 
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                     
>  26 The Paddocks
>  Savill Way
> PGP:       
>  Marlow
> Tel: +44 1628 476614                                
>  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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