Is /usr/ports/graphics/lcms is broken or am I doing
something silly???

This is under freebsd 4.10 stable and:
pc1# more distinfo
MD5 (lcms-1.13.tar.gz) =
SIZE (lcms-1.13.tar.gz) = 585716

/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link cc  -O -pipe  
-L/usr/local/lib -o testcms -L/usr /local/lib
testcms.o ../src/
mkdir .libs
cc -O -pipe -L/usr/local/lib -o .libs/testcms
-L/usr/local/lib testcms.o ../src/ .libs/
-lm  -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
creating testcms
little cms testbed. Ver 1.13 [build Jul 16 2004

Testing fixed point:    2.884667 = 2.884672
Testing fixed scaling...pass.
Testing curves join ...pass.
Testing reversing of curves ...Coarse error! 16 on
entry 1021: FFD4/FFBE*** Erro r code 1

Stop in /f/ports/graphics/lcms/work/lcms-1.13/testbed.
*** Error code 1


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