Kent Stewart wrote:

On Tuesday 27 July 2004 06:16 am, Duggan wrote:

I tried cvsup src-all just now and it says command not found.

Cvsup is a port that you would have to add to your system. Before you worry about what you have, you might read Chapters 4 and 19 of the Handbook at

There are a number of possibilities. You might not have installed all of the sources and features that you needed when you created the system. There is a cvsup tag of RELENG_4_10 that will follow the security tree for 4.10.

Most of these operations are easy once you have a basic understanding of the process of maintaining a system. There is a freebsd-newbies list that might help get you started.

Since the system can't find the library you are having problems with, it becomes a function of what is the easiest way to get it working. It looks like you chose to little when you did the install. Being a control freak is ok but when you are getting started, a custom install may not work.

Using cvsup to grab the latest code and then following the instructions in Chapter 19 is one way of doing this. Other people may have different ideas and I don't know what would be the fastest on your end.



Kent Stewart wrote:

On Tuesday 27 July 2004 05:45 am, Duggan wrote:

I am new to FreeBSD and am using it as linux has a problem with my
setup that I was unable to resolve.  Anyways, I am liking what I
have read about FreeBSD.

I am a bit of a control freak and did a custom install of FreeBSD
4.10 over the net with the required package and all the support
docs. I went to install links and this is what happened:

EJINSIDE# pkg_add -r links
/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found

I decide to try and do the the same to get bash and the exact same
thing happened.

I did a google search and found an identical error posted on some
russian BSD forums, however I was unable interpret the dialog.  I
also found other errors that were similar but with different files.
Being new to FreeBSD these did make much sense to me.

So this brings me to the crux of the matter.  How do I find out
what exactly is wrong? and how do I fix it?

Any help appreciated.

Have you turned off some features via /etc/make.conf or didn't cvsup

I have a

which was produced in my last buildworld and added to /usr/lib.


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Thats for that, I'll try cvsup and failing that I will do a user install.

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