On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 03:40:08PM +0100, Lewis Thompson wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 08:28:58AM -0600, Aaron Siegel wrote:
> > Hello
> > I am in the process of setup a similar configuration using poptop to create a 
> > pptp link between a static server and a roaming computer with an anonymous.   
> > There is also l2tpd from what I read it is more secure than pptp but it does 
> > not work through a NAT.  I will hopefully get this up and running soon sofar 
> > I have only been able to create an unencrypted pptp link.
> That sounds very interesting.  I don't suppose you would let me see any
> notes you make when you get a bit further along?  I've not got much
> further -- mainly because I've been trying to get my sound card working
> properly.

I've just spent a while playing around with mpd and I have successfully
got what I wanted working.

  On the server there is an mpd daemon.

  I have connected successfully with my laptop (running mpd as a client)
and also with a remote Windows XP SP2 machine (my friend somewhere else
in England).

  Only thing is that it's encrypted at just 128kbit.  Something more
along the lines of 256kbit-1024kbit would be much nicer ;)


I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
-| msn:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | url:www.lewiz.org |-

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