On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 11:40:44AM -0400, Danny wrote:
> My ports-supfile is setup to update the /net directory, so I am not
> sure why this directory only contains the readme.html. This is a brand
> new install of FreeBSD 5.2.1, and I am 98% sure that I said yes to
> installing the ports during the intial installation.

Using cvsup to only update part of the ports tree is not recommended:
don't even think about grabbing anything other than 'ports-all'
(unless you enjoy pain, that is)
> cd /usr/ports/net/net-snmp
> make install clean
> make: don't know how to make install. Stop

The port has moved to net-mgmt/net-snmp

The old directory still exists only because there's a readme.html file
in it -- if you delete that and re-run cvsup, the old net/net-snmp
directory will be deleted completely.

> On a side note, I am hoping that this port will allow me to collect
> SNMP data from this FreeBSD server?

Works for me.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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