On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 12:25:29PM +0000, DA Forsyth wrote:
> hiya
> I'm in the prcess of setting up a FreeBSD machine in order to replace 
> an existing Novell 3.12 server.
> I thought I could use 'ncplib' to connect to the Novell server and in 
> this way transfer the data directly.
> fat chance
> I get a series of 'flag 12' kernel panics and it reboots itself.
> this happens instantly when I try a 'ncplogin' but can also happen 
> spontaneously.
> To get to this point I
> compiled IPX into the kernel
> setup /boot/loader.conf to load the if_ef, nfs, and ncp modules
> put an infonfig line in /etc/rc.conf to setup the ipx protocol on the 
> network card.
> all that appear to be happy with life, unless I try to USE it. >-:
> now, I thought I'd install the port (I was just using what installed 
> when I installed FreebSD5.2.1-R fro CD last week) but none of the 
> mirrors have the file ncplib-1.3.4.tar.gz

I've just been able to fetch the tarball from here:


Fetch it manually, put it in /usr/ports/distfiles and you should be


Daniel Bye

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