On 2004-09-15 23:15, Gerald Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have irssi running in the home directory of a commercial
> shell account which allows running personal programs? There seem to be
> library problems and dependencies which are complex to the point I
> haven't gotten very far.  Ports and packages are not so good in a
> shell account I think.  I'm just looking for a successful installation
> somewhere to serve as a template.

The makefiles in /usr/ports/Mk include a ton of variables that can be
set to modify the paths where Ports will look for files.  I've installed
ports in my $HOME dir by setting some of these to non-default values.

You'll most certainly want to change at least the following when you
invoke make to build and install irssi:

        PORTSDIR        - Where ports live[1].
        LOCALBASE       - Where the installed files go.
        DISTDIR         - Where downloaded distfiles are saved.
        PKG_DBDIR       - Where installed package info will be saved.
        PORT_DBDIR      - Where port options are saved.

[1] If you use the existing /usr/ports checkout of the system this will
not have to be changed, but you might find it useful to check out your
own copy of /usr/ports and work there.  That's when this will be needed.

Typically, to install ports in $HOME you'd invoke make with something
like this:

        $ cd ${HOME}/ports/irc/irssi
        $ env PORTSDIR=${HOME}/ports LOCALBASE=${HOME} \
            DISTDIR=${HOME}/distfiles \
            PKG_DBDIR=${HOME}/pkgdb PORT_DBDIR=${HOME}/pkgdb/ports \
            make install

I hope this helps to get you started.  If things don't work, either post
the errors you stumble upon or look at the comments in the bsd.port.mk
makefile (under ports/Mk) and see if there's some variable which you
have to set but I forgot to mention.

- Giorgos

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