This is valid advice. However, since you say your are new to FreeBSD (and, perhaps, *nix?), I would break the process down like this. Use a terminal (xterm) to do run these commands. Otherwise, excuse the simplicity. I'll assume you're using sudo for root privilege.

1. It's easiest to use the ports tree (/usr/ports). Apache is in the www directory under /usr/ports. So, go there.

        cd /usr/ports/www

There are a few versions you could install when it comes to Apache. You can see them with

        ls -d apache*

'apache13' is the most straight forward to start with. So, go into this directory,

        cd apache13

2. Fetch, extract, and compile. Check the Makefile for things you can modify to your needs.

        more Makefile

Look for "defined(...)" or "!defined(...)". For example,

        .if (!defined(WITHOUT_APACHE_EXPAT)...

In the case of Apache 1.3.x you can specify "-DWITHOUT_APACHE_EXPAT". If you're unsure about this, then forget about it. Just compile and install. Or extract,

        sudo make extract

which will usually tell you what you can modify on the command line. Otherwise,

        sudo make

You can do the make and install in one line.

        sudo make install

If your were to exclude expat support, then you would use this

        sudo make -DWITHOUT_APACHE_EXPAT
        sudo make install
        sudo make -DWITHOUT_APACHE_EXPAT install

You can remove the installation and start over by running

        sudo make deinstall
        sudo rm -rf ./work

where ./ assumes you are already in /usr/ports/www/apache13/. This gets rid of the work directory that 'make extract' created.

You don't have to do it like this all the time. But once you're familiar with the basic process, you will discover your own refined process.

Good luck,


On Sep 17, 2004, at 3:09 PM, Hugo Silva wrote:


It's very simple!
Assuming you have an updated ports tree, just do this as root:

cd /usr/ports/www/apache13
make install clean


I am a novice at FreeBSD! I want to install apache v 1.3.28 in my FreeBSD

Can u guys help me?  How to proceed?


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