> I've come across a ton of DNS tutorials on the web. Everything I've
> found so far is very lengthy. I need to setup a simple small
> office/home office network with DNS so that it resolves my inside
> network among the machines and hides it from the greater internet.
> I'm open to suggestions of a quick fix that won't take me a day and
> half reading full time.

# cd /etc/namedb
# chmod 744 make-localhost
# ./make-localhost
# ee named.conf

Change or add the following:

        forwarders {

... and then add a record for a domain.

zone "domain.com" {
        type master;
        file "domain.com.zone";
        allow-transfer {; }; // This is your secondary DNS
        allow-update { none; };

...Now you have to create a zone file:

# ee domain.com.zone

--- start zone file ---

$TTL 360

domain.com.          IN      SOA     ns1.domain.com.  
admin.domain.com. (
                                2004090801 ; Serial
                                7200  ; Refresh
                                3600    ; Retry every hour
                                1728000 ; Expire every 20 days
                                172800 ); Minimum 2 days

; Set the name servers to whatever was used when registered

                IN      NS              ns1.domain.com.
                IN      NS              ns2.domain.com.
@               IN      A               x.x.x.x

; Set the Mail Exchange record

@               IN MX   10      mail.domain.com.
@               IN MX   20      mail2.domain.com.

; Host records

; Core

ns1             IN A    x.x.x.x
ns2             IN A    x.x.x.x
www             IN A    x.x.x.x

--- end zone file ---

... now:

# chown bind:bind *
# /usr/sbin/named -u bind -g bind

....should get you resolving for your domain, as well as for external
domains. To start up the daemon at startup, add the following to

# ee /etc/rc.conf

named_flags="-u bind -g bind"

...all off the top of my head, so forgive me if I left something out.
If you don't have a domain internally and you want to resolve only
external names, skip adding the domain entry and the zone file pieces
of this email.

Let me know if I missed something or it doesn't work as expected.



> Thanks,
> Alex
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>   Alexander Sendzimir (owner)                    802 863 5502
>   MacTutor: Apple Mac OS X Consulting       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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