On Mon, Oct 11, 2004 at 10:45:07AM +0100, Jamie Heckford wrote:

> I need to use the new ACL feature on one of our servers..... However the
> data doesn't reside on the server that its being served from it is
> mounted via NFS.
> Im guessing I will need to install fBSD5 on the two servers I want to
> use ACL on, but will the other fBSD4 servers still be able to use NFS ok
> (they don't need to use ACL)??
> Guess the question is can fBSD4 machines use fBSD5 NFS servers ok, and
> also, how stable is / does ACL even work between to fBSD5 machines using
> NFS?

under the 'Desired Features for 5.3-RELEASE' section:

 |                  |             |                | Currently, MAC       |
 |                  |             |                | protections are      |
 |                  |             |                | enforced only on     |
 |                  |             |                | locally originated   |
 |                  |             |                | file system          |
 |                  |             |                | operations (VOPs),   |
 |                  |             |                | and not on RPCs      |
 |                  |             |                | generated via the    |
 |                  |             |                | NFS server.          |
 | MAC support for  |             |                | Improvements in NFS  |
 | NFS Server       | Not done    | Robert Watson  | server credential    |
 |                  |             |                | handling are         |
 |                  |             |                | required to correct  |
 |                  |             |                | this problem, as     |
 |                  |             |                | well as the          |
 |                  |             |                | introduction of new  |
 |                  |             |                | entry points to      |
 |                  |             |                | properly label NFS   |
 |                  |             |                | credentials and      |
 |                  |             |                | perform enforcement  |
 |                  |             |                | properly.            |

So the only possibility for ACL support over NFS is going to be a 5.x
release, but seeing as it hasn't been included yet, probably not

One possible route around that would be to use GEOM Gate -- that's a
system rather like iSCSI or Linux's DRDB, where the server exports a
disk device, rather than a filesystem.  This is a standard part of 5.x
now, and will be in 5.3-RELEASE, but it's still very new, so test
carefully before putting it onto important servers.






A FreeBSD 4.x machine should quite happily use a 5.x machine as a NFS
server.  FreeBSD 4.x has no support for GEOM Gate though.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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