On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 09:16:42AM -0500, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:
> Geert Hendrickx wrote:
> >
> >I have hacked and patched some Maple shell scripts, so that Maple uses
> >the native FreeBSD JDK which I have compiled from the Ports, and now it
> >seems to work right.  
> >
> >When I have fully tested this, I would like to update the FreeBSD
> >documentation (the part about Linux emulation), which describes how to
> >get Maple running on FreeBSD, and include the patches I've written.  How
> >should I do this?  
> >
> >GH
> >
> > 
> >
> You should probably submit appropriate problem reports.   Create
> patches with dif(1), and quote them inline in the pr.  For documentation,
> the procedure is the same, you just patch the document SGML source.
> The FDP primer would have more info on this.
> If you have patches for the Maple port itself, it should probably be
> discussed on the ports@ list, or perhaps even with the maintainer
> him/herself.
> I certainly don't speak for the Project itself, but this would seem
> to be the canonical way of contributing back to FreeBSD ...
> HTH,
> Kevin Kinsey

There is no Maple port, Maple must be installed from a CD with a valid
license key.  But there is a section in the Handbook which describes how
to get Maple running on FreeBSD.  Only, it has become harder with the
newer versions of Maple. :-)  I think I would rather rewrite the current
section than patch it.  Anyway thanks for the notes.  


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